Dear Green Cooling community,

October was an exciting month: we held our third Green Cooling Summit and attended the 35th Meeting of the Parties (MOP35) to the Montreal Protocol in Nairobi.

The Green Cooling Summit counted 1033 registrations from 124 countries and 18 speakers on 2 days with 1 goal: advancing Green Cooling along the Cold Chain. We would like to thank everybody who made the event a success. Have you missed a session or do you want to bring it back to your mind? Have a look at our highlights video, the recaps and recordings. 

At the MOP35, we had an interactive World Café on energy efficiency and a side event with our Kenyan partners. You can find the summaries below.

This newsletter also features some interesting Cool Talks with company representatives who have recently joined our Green Cooling network.

Thank you for your valued cooperation and trust. We would especially like to express our gratitude to our commissioners without whom our project work would not be possible: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), and the European Union (EU).

Enjoy reading & stay naturally cool,

Bernhard Siegele
Programme Manager GIZ Proklima

Green Cooling Summit 2023

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1033 registrations from 124 countries, 18 speakers, 2 days, 1 goal: advancing Green Cooling along the cold chain! Click here to find recordings, presentations and statements:

MOP35 Side Events

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World Café on Energy Efficiency

How can the energy efficiency funding window of the Multilateral Fund be used best? Around 50 participants had lively exchanges on that question at our interactive World Café on Effective Energy Efficiency Measures.

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Market Introduction of Natural Refrigerants in Kenya

Kenya has made considerable achievements in the Montreal Protocol implementation. What made them possible? In this side event, Kenyan stakeholders and GIZ Proklima looked back to 27 years of cooperation. 

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More news from around the world

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World Ozone Day 2023

Proklima colleagues worldwide celeberated World Ozone Day with this year's topic "Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change".
Read more... | Lisez en français...
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Cool Training at the BFS in Germany

18 instructors from different francophone African countries participated in the 2-weeks long Cool Training in september.
Read more... | Lisez en français...
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Senegal: Refrigeration Training for the Informal sector

24 technicians of the informal sector got a ref­ri­ge­ra­ti­on trai­ning to pro­mo­te Green Coo­ling.
Read more... | Lisez en français...
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Introducing highly energy efficient split R290 ACs in Ghana

15 highly efficient Green ACs with ultra-low refrigerant R290 were handed to EPA - Ghana.
Read more... | 
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German Pavilion opens for the ICCM5

At the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), GIZ Proklima organized a side event on “Sustainable management of fluorinated chemicals - best practices and success stories” 
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Study tour to China - Pathway towards energy-efficent R290 air conditioning

A study tour to China was organized to encourage international exchange and share experiences on the production of energy-efficient R290 split-type AC.
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European Climate Dialogues

Proklima is supporting a series of webinars and meetings on the Kigali Amendment implementation. Next Webinar is on the 15th & 16th of November.
Invited participants will exchange on strategies and good practices to push for HFC phase-down. 

For further information please contact  susann.mende[at]

Latest Videos and Publications

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Cool Training Brazil - Germany

Participants from Brazil, organizers and the trainer talk about their Cool Training experiences.
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NDC Helpdesk

Providing Frequently Asked Questions on why and how to include the cooling sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs), helpful supporting tools for the implementation, and a contact form for advice from our experts.

Click here to find out more.

New Green Cooling Network Members

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Become a member!

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