Green Cooling Initiative

Green Cooling for a warming world

Cooling is a basic need – from refrigerated food and vaccines to better living conditions in hot climates. But Green Cooling is the only truly sustainable option to protect the climate and ensure the well-being of people at the same time.

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13.05.2024 , News : Now al­so avail­able in Spa­nish: Rai­sing am­bi­ti­on in NDCs through ho­lis­tic…

As countries strive towards mitigating climate change, more than half of the countries that developed an updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) have recognised the relevance of the…

Up­co­m­ing events 

Keep yourself informed about the latest Green Cooling conferences and (online) events

NDC Help­desk

(opens in a new window)

Have a look at our NDC Helpdesk where you can find answers to your questions about the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector and its impact on climate change, as well as its implementation within the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the Paris Agreement. 

Green Coo­ling Li­bra­ry

Download publications and watch event recordings 

World map

How do your country's cooling emissions compare to others?

Find out in the interactive map

Get ac­tive

In­ter­ac­tive: Coo­ling sub­sec­tors

What are the main sectors in which cooling is needed? What is the GHG-mitigation potential per sector?

Be­co­me a mem­ber!

The Green Cooling network is united on one goal: the transformation of the cooling sector – for the benefit of people, the environment, and our shared future.

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Net­work mem­bers